Submit New Job

Fill out the form to submit up to 20 protein sequences in a batch for prediction. Sequences should be in FASTA format and can be submitted as a text-file or by copy-and-pasting into the text-field below. Please SAVE the JobID provided after submission for retrieval of job results, especially when you do not provide an email address in submission.

Job Identification
: :

Sequences for Prediction


Current server load
1882 jobs pending
4 jobs done in the last 24 hours
327 jobs done in the last 30 days

#server users: 20271
#processed jobs: 130802

Job policy
To maximize the utility of the server to the community at large the following limits on job submission for each user are enforced.
  • Each user can have no more than 500 sequences pending prediction at any point in time.
  • One submission can contain at most 20 sequences.
  • Should you have a special project that requires more resources, please contact us to inquire further.